Face T-Shirts

Create a truly unique, personalised T-Shirt featuring your face (or anyone else's). Simply upload your photos & we'll do the rest!

Personalised Face T-Shirts - Upload A Photo

T-Shirts are a perennial mainstay in the Super Socks team’s wardrobes, but we felt they could potentially do with a bit of a style injection. That is precisely why we created our range of Face T-Shirts; 100% customisable T-Shirts just waiting for you to personalise with your own photos.

Create a personalised T-Shirt featuring the face of your friend, partner, relative or even your pet. Yep, no one is left out when it comes to our custom apparel.

The T-Shirt ordering process is simple too., just choose one of the many T-Short styles available and upload a photo of your favourite face (whoever it belongs to!).

Create a unique T-Shirt gift they can treasure forever at Super Socks.